Now that you have finished the book, what do you think? Be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the book.

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    Summer Reading Rules!

    Select a book of your choice. Post comments to at least three of the questions on this WRMS Summer Reading Blog.
    How to Comment:
    1. When typing your post, use your FIRST name only. 
    2. Be sure to include  the title and author of the novel when writing a comment. 
    3. Think deeply! Provide a  detailed response using text evidence and making connections. Responses will be at least a paragraph.
    4. You may respond to other posts. You must always be kind and appropriate. Please remember this blog will be monitored by the school.

    Commenting Policy:

    For these and other reasons having to do with students’ privacy and safety, we’ve chosen to make the blogging feature first name only. We cannot post any comment that includes a last name.


    April 2013

